Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nanny's Educational Zoo

Last week the kiddos & I met up with our Mom's group for a trip to Nanny's Educational Zoo!  Nanny was awesome - her zoo is an animal rescue for all types of animals.  She had a pony that had spent 17 years walking kids around in a circle at the state fair : (  It makes me cringe to think of how many pony rides Spencer has gone on!  We saw lots of animals, including goats, turkeys, a donkey (who actually hee hawed very loudly!), a raccoon, and bunny rabbits.  But by far my favorite were the baby squirrels.  I guess Nanny gets about 250 baby squirrels every spring.  When people begin to trim their trees they find squirrel nests - who knew??  So they bring them to Nanny, who bottle feeds them until they are big enough to release - cool, huh?  Here is Spencer holding the baby squirrel - he doesn't look impressed in this picture, but I promise that he loved it!

Mallory's first (and probably only!) pony ride.  She was diggin' it!

Spencer with the goats!

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